2010 Killer Valley Horror Film Festival - Ashland, OR

OCTOBER 8th, 2010
Held at the Ashland Elks Lodge #944 - Ashland, OR
Melvin Sweeps Awards at 2010
Killer Valley Horror Film Festival Awards
The festival encountered a bit of an upset this year, with “Melvin” from director Henry Weintraub of Eugene, OR taking all the awards. Weintraub’s film “Depraved” screened at the 2008 Killer Valley Horror Film Festival, where it took home the Creepiest Film Award.
KVHFF 2010 Awards
Best Film – Melvin
Best Director – Henry Weintraub (Melvin)
Best SFX – Melvin
Best Actor – Leif Fuller (Melvin)
Best Actress – Lilly Maher (Melvin)